Join the program
Bees for the Planet inspires businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through annual memberships and everyday actions. Involving the little ones by passing our knowledge is a step forward to a better future.
Be part of the solution, not the problem.
Bees worldwide are disappearing, which soon will lead to catastrophic consequences.
Climate change, overuse of pesticides, and loss of habitat are the main reasons why one-third of all honeybee colonies vanish, known as Colony Collapse Disorder.
Without bees, the availability and diversity of fresh produce would decline substantially, and human nutrition will suffer dramatically.
We need more bees, which can help achieve a sustainable environmental balance. Beekeeping plays an essential role in Agriculture, Food diversity, Soil Health and Climate change.
“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.”
What will happens If Bees Go Extinct?
Alarming data for the loss of bees is available from every part of the World. The most thorough and informative study was published in 2007, when an international team of agricultural scholars reviewed the importance of animal pollinators, including bees, to farming. Their results could encourage both the alarmists and the minimizers in the world of bee observation. The group found that 87 crops worldwide employ animal pollinators, compared to only 28 that can survive without such assistance. Since honeybees are the most important animal pollinators, those are scary numbers.
If honeybees did disappear for good, humans would probably not go extinct (at least not solely for that reason). But our diets would still suffer tremendously. The variety of foods available would diminish, and the cost of certain products would surge.
There are plenty of other examples: apples, avocados, onions, and several types of berries rely heavily on bees for pollination. The disappearance of honeybees, or even a substantial drop in their population, would make those foods scarce. Humanity would survive—but our dinners would get a lot less attractive.
the way forward
We all have a chance to grow our appreciation for bees and other pollinators. It is in our hands to change the World to a better place.