Strawberry chilli sauce - no waste
The waste in the Commercial kitchen is a well-known problem. In our kitchens, we have so much unwanted food every day. What do you do with all the scraps and leftovers? It could be a full-time job to make up delicious things of all the bits and pieces.
According to Dubai Carbon, the UAE ranks among the world’s top nations for per capita waste generation. Roughly 38% of the food prepared daily in the emirate is wasted, which jumps to around 60% during Ramadan. The decomposition process of food waste emits methane gas, which is reportedly 25 times more damaging than CO2.
Food amounts to 40% of the average household bin, whereas many options exist to manage excess food better.
Our friends with revolutionary thinking from Natoora have some exciting recipes to share. We tried their chilli sauce with freshly made cornbread, which was mind-blowing! Look them up for inspirational ideas on how to make the future better.
Here is the recipe:
You’ll need:
1kg overripe/bruised strawberries macerated with 100g sugar (you can replace it with honey)
2kg red chillies
1 white onion
100g basil
Water to cover
Work out salt as 3% of total weight (inc. water)
Combine the strawberries with the red chillies. Add a couple of white onions, a bunch of basil and enough water to cover them, plus 3% salt of the total weight.
Leave to ferment for about 10 days at room temperature. The acidity from the onions gives the sauce a tanginess you would generally have from adding vinegar to the final dressing. The strawberries end up as a delicious contrast to the heat.
Strain the liquid off and blend it up, adding a little back in until you achieve consistency.